Sunday, November 17, 2013

What is the difference between the Greasers and the Socs in The Outsiders?

There are many differences between the lifestyles of the Greasers and Socs. The Socs are privileged individuals that come from affluent families. They do not lack material goods and value their possessions. Cherry explains to Ponyboy that Socs are superficial and don't mean half of the things they say. Socs are more worried about keeping up with their physical appearances and portraying themselves as cool individuals. Randy gives Ponyboy insight into the family life of a typical Soc. Soc parents typically do not blame their children for their mistakes and do not set boundaries. This is why many Socs get away with committing crimes and are able to have drunken parties. Socs treat other people with contempt, especially if individuals are of a lower social class. Their self-entitled attitude, affinity for partying, and aggressive behavior are the reasons why the Greasers view them with disdain. Dally also mentions that the police favor Socs and are quick to convict Greasers of similar crimes. Despite their outward appearance, Socs suffer inwardly. They have insincere relationships with their peers, and their families lack the communication necessary for positive bonds to develop.

The Greasers differ from the Socs in many ways. Unlike the affluent Socs, the Greasers are from a lower social class and live in rough neighborhoods. Greasers' parents do not give them material items and fight with their children often. The Greasers wear blue jeans, white tee-shirts, and leather jackets, while the Socs were polos and slacks. Greasers have a bad reputation and have the appearance of troublemakers. Greasers are viewed with disdain by teachers and community members, unlike the Socs who have a good reputation. Although they have terrible family lives, they have sincere relationships with their peers. Unlike the Socs, the Greasers are real with each other and understand one another on a personal level. What they lack in material wealth, they have in personal relationships.

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