Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Who is buried in Grant's Tomb?

For whatever reason, this question has long been a joke of sorts.  You are expected to say that President Ulysses S. Grant is buried there, only to be told that it is both Grant and his wife, Julia, who are buried there.  To be technically precise, however, no one is buried in Grant’s Tomb.  This is because, as we can see in the link below, Grant and his wife are actually entombed and not buried...

For whatever reason, this question has long been a joke of sorts.  You are expected to say that President Ulysses S. Grant is buried there, only to be told that it is both Grant and his wife, Julia, who are buried there.  To be technically precise, however, no one is buried in Grant’s Tomb.  This is because, as we can see in the link below, Grant and his wife are actually entombed and not buried in Grant’s Tomb.

Although we typically use the word “bury” to refer to any process in which we place human remains in their final resting place, the word literally means to place under the ground.  In other words, a person is only truly buried if their remains are placed underground.  This is not the case with the remains of President and Mrs. Grant.  Instead, their remains were laid to rest above ground, within a tomb.  Therefore, they are technically not buried in Grant’s Tomb.

So, depending on how technical you want to be about things, the answer to this is either A) that President and Mrs. Grant are buried in Grant’s Tomb or B) that no one is buried there.

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