Gender stereotypes emerge strongly in The Bearby Anton Chekhov. The story revolves around two main characters, Mrs. Popova and Mr. Smirnov. Smirnov shows up at Mrs. Popova’s house to collect a debt owed by her late husband. It turns out that Mrs. Popova was unable to pay the debt because her financial manager was unavailable, but she promises to pay on a later date. Smirnov is opposed to the plan because he is also...
Gender stereotypes emerge strongly in The Bear by Anton Chekhov. The story revolves around two main characters, Mrs. Popova and Mr. Smirnov. Smirnov shows up at Mrs. Popova’s house to collect a debt owed by her late husband. It turns out that Mrs. Popova was unable to pay the debt because her financial manager was unavailable, but she promises to pay on a later date. Smirnov is opposed to the plan because he is also hard pressed by his creditors. The situation results in a heated exchange between the two, and it is during the argument that gender stereotypes emerge.
Smirnov complains about Mrs. Popova’s inability to pay because she is not acquainted with financial issues due to “silly feminine logic”. Smirnov expresses the stereotype that women are unable to handle situations that involve money. In another instance, Smirnov claims that men are faithful and constant in love while Popova claims the opposite. They both base their assertions on gender stereotypes.
Then, according to you, who is faithful and constant in love? Is it the man?SMIRNOV.
Yes, the man!POPOVA.
The man![Laughs bitterly]
Men are faithful and constant in love! What an idea!
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