Saturday, December 21, 2013

What are the biggest animals on Earth?

There are a few ways to consider the ranking for "biggest" animals, including height, length, and total body mass. I'll do my best to list the biggest extant species in each category. The absolutely largest extant animal in terms of both weight and length is the blue whale. Blue whales may be up to one hundred feet (thirty meters) long and weigh upwards of two hundred tons (or one hundred and eighty metric tonnes). Even...

There are a few ways to consider the ranking for "biggest" animals, including height, length, and total body mass. I'll do my best to list the biggest extant species in each category. The absolutely largest extant animal in terms of both weight and length is the blue whale. Blue whales may be up to one hundred feet (thirty meters) long and weigh upwards of two hundred tons (or one hundred and eighty metric tonnes). Even from birth, blue whales are at the top rankings for weight and length!

The African bush elephant is the largest land animal. These elephants weigh around 13,000 pounds, which is about the same weight as a blue whale's tongue! 

The place for second longest animal on Earth is a contested one. The lion's mane jellyfish may grow to have tentacles up to one hundred and twenty feet long, but they are much shorter in average specimens. Perhaps the best contender for second-longest animal is the green anaconda, which can easily grow to be up to twenty-six feet long.

As for the tallest animal, giraffes grow to heights of at least fourteen to eighteen feet. Because this is a ground-to-head measurement, perhaps we might also consider the lion's mane jellyfish for tallest animal if we measure from the top of the bell to the tip of the tentacle!

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