Friday, January 2, 2015

What are some fun essay topics for fourteen-year-olds?

There are different types of essays, but when getting fourteen-year-olds to write essays it is helpful to choose topics that the kids are interested in.  For example, you can have them write persuasive essays in which they choose a topic that is important to them like recycling or women’s rights.  They will be more interested in doing the research and their arguments will be more persuasive if they are passionate about the topic.

Teenagers can be very creative.  Try giving them a variety of topics and encouraging them to choose one.  Sometimes students feel trapped when they only have one choice, but are more willing to try when they have choices.  For a narrative essay, for example, you could give them a choice of a fictional essay of different genres.  Some kids like fantasy, and others prefer realistic fiction or dystopia.

Here are some suggested essay topics.

-Which presidential candidate would be better for young people?

-What will be the effect of the Black Lives Matter movement on public perception of law enforcement?

-Should companies be required to label foods that contain genetically modified ingredients?

-Write a story about a character who is making a difficult choice.  You may use any genre, including nonfiction.  You can even write about yourself.

-Recycling has become mainstream.  Is it really helping the environment?

-What would be the number one thing that we could do to best reform our presidential elections?

-Write a story with a setting that is very similar to our world, but with one key difference.

-Choose the one book that has made the biggest impact on your life and write a book review of it.  Don't forget to explain why it has made an impact on you, but otherwise write a typical review of it.

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