Sunday, September 13, 2015

What inference or conclusion can one make about how Watergate will affect future presidents?

Watergate, an event that occurred in the 1970s, still impacts each President today. Watergate can’t be viewed as a stand-alone event. It occurred during all of the turmoil that existed with our involvement in the Vietnam War. The trust that the American people had in our government was declining because of the events in the Vietnam War. People were beginning to doubt the government. The Watergate scandal deepened the distrust in and the lack of...

Watergate, an event that occurred in the 1970s, still impacts each President today. Watergate can’t be viewed as a stand-alone event. It occurred during all of the turmoil that existed with our involvement in the Vietnam War. The trust that the American people had in our government was declining because of the events in the Vietnam War. People were beginning to doubt the government. The Watergate scandal deepened the distrust in and the lack of confidence in our government and in its leaders. This distrust continues today. People continue to lack confidence in our government. This impacts how people view a President, and how they feel about the job he is doing.

Ever since President Nixon was impeached, presidents have had to deal with the possibility being impeached. It seems leaders of the party not in control of the presidency are no longer afraid to say that the actions of the President may be impeachable. There was talk about impeaching President Reagan over the Iran-Contra Affair. There was talk about impeaching President Obama over the Affordable Care Act. We seem to be willing to move toward the thought of impeachment much quicker today than in the past. This will continue to be something that hangs over the head of each President.

The Watergate scandal continues to impact the President of the United States and probably will continue to do so in the future.

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