Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What are some of the characteristics of Eveline in the story?

Based on the portrayal of Eveline, we can infer a number of her character traits. Firstly, Eveline is nostalgic. When she sits looking out of the window, for example, her mind is drawn to her childhood, a time when her mother was still alive and her father was not abusive to her. Thinking about this time makes Eveline feel happy, a sign that she misses the past.

Secondly, Eveline is devoted to her family and domestic life. Although she has the opportunity to start a new life abroad, Eveline feels sad and nervous about leaving her family and her home behind. As she scans the living room, for example, she wonders if she will ever get to see this house again, a thought which fills her with some trepidation.

In addition, Eveline is very generous. She does not keep any of her wages for herself, for instance, and instead gives them to her father. Even though she knows that he will spend the money on alcohol, she cannot refuse her father, another sign of her domestic devotion.

Finally, based on the ending of the story, we can infer that Eveline is afraid to take risks. Her decision to stay in Ireland and not go to Buenos Aires, for example, proves that she lacks the confidence to face new challenges and new opportunities.

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