Tuesday, July 21, 2015

How would you describe The Giver in The Giver?

The Giver is old, with a beard and pale eyes. 

To a certain extent, everyone in Jonas’s community looks alike.  They all have the same haircuts and the same clothing.  There are a few people who are just a little different.  The Giver and Jonas have one of these differences in common — they both have light colored eyes. 

Jonas never really paid much attention to the Receiver of Memory.  He was reclusive, rarely...

The Giver is old, with a beard and pale eyes. 

To a certain extent, everyone in Jonas’s community looks alike.  They all have the same haircuts and the same clothing.  There are a few people who are just a little different.  The Giver and Jonas have one of these differences in common — they both have light colored eyes. 

Jonas never really paid much attention to the Receiver of Memory.  He was reclusive, rarely attending community events.  He did not even normally attend the Ceremony day. On the day of Jonas’s Ceremony of Twelve, however, The Giver was there and watched Jonas intently: 

The Committee of Elders was sitting together in a group; and the Chief Elder's eyes were now on one who sat in the midst but seemed oddly separate from them. It was a man Jonas had never noticed before, a bearded man with pale eyes. (Ch. 8) 

As an Elder, the Giver was dressed in “special clothing that only Elders wore” (Ch. 10). When Jonas first meets him, he is impressed by the fact that they both have the same pale eyes. The man is old and Jonas describes him as wrinkled, but he also seems older than he really is.  The process of keeping all of the community’s memories ages a person.  The Giver seems tired. 

The Giver explains to Jonas why the job has aged him.  He also tells him that no one in the community really lives a full life, saying

"It's just that ... without the memories it's all meaningless. They gave that burden to me. And to the previous Receiver. And the one before him." (Ch. 13) 

If Jonas had continued in the job of Receiver of Memory, The Giver eventually would have been released and Jonas would have taken his place and probably would have soon looked just as old and tired as The Giver.

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